MoH “Souper” Saturday Event
February 8 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
The museum is excited to once again participate in Claremore Main Street’s “Souper” Saturday event. This year’s event will be on Saturday, February 8th from 11AM until 2PM. The MoH won this event 3 years in a row, only to lose out last year to the Freckled Fence. We aim to re-claim our trophy this year! Along with getting to sample some incredible soups on this day, you can also celebrate your favorite NFL team. There will be a “Souper” Fan Costume Contest and photo opportunity. The museum will also host some fun craft events for the kiddos while you enjoy the museum and try out our soup! Plan now to attend. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the museum or at Claremore Main Street office.