A Day in Santa Fe directed by Lynn Riggs and James Hughes. As the title suggests, the film portrays life in Santa Fe during the course of a single day, a format structuring many city symphonies. Riggs and Hughes evoke daily life in Santa Fe…
Patrick (p.s.) Gordon is a world-renowned artist and painter. He was born to pioneer Claremore parents, Janelle and Jack Gordon, at the Franklin Hospital in 1953, and delivered by his uncle, Dr. Minor Gordon. His aunt, Elizabeth Gordon, was Claremore’s first female mayor and is…
Dr. Bob L. Blackburn is Oklahoma’s most noted historian. He is a graduate of Southwest Oklahoma State University and earned both his master’s degree and a Ph.D. in history from Oklahoma State University. In 1980, Blackburn joined the Oklahoma Historical Society, earning the title of…
In 1916, Lee F. Gilstrap was a 16-year-old bugler for the First Oklahoma Infantry commanded by his father, Major Harry Gilstrap. When America entered the first World War, Gilstrap, then 18, volunteered to serve in France under his father’s command. On October 8, 1918, Company…