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Sequoyah Hotel

This was published in The Daily Messenger. (Claremore, Indian Terr.), Vol. 2, No. 226, Ed. 1 Saturday, August 17, 1901, Newspaper, August 17, 1901. 

The first day of January, 1902, has been fixed as the time for the grand opening of a big, modern brick hotel in Claremore. J.M. Bayless of Cassville, Mo., and Dr. W.W. Bryan of this city have signed contracts of a building 54×165 feet on the southwest corner of Missouri avenue and Third street. The building will be two stories high above the basement and will be built of pressed brick. It was the intention to have the greater portion of the brick made in Claremore, but Mr. Bayless concluded to buy brick from Coffeyville in order to have the building complete before cold weather. The foundation for the main building will be put in as soon as the workmen finish curbing the big sewer on the east side of the lot.

G.W. Small has the contract for curbing the ditch and under his contract he must complete the work within thirty days. As soon as he gets through with the curbing he will begin laying the foundation for the main building.

The flooring of the first story will be of Carthage marble and all window and door sills will be of marble. There will be a vestibule entrance on Third street leading into the hotel lobby and office on Missouri avenue. The main room on Third street will be constructed for a bank, while the remainder of the building on Missouri avenue will be arranged for an up-to-date hotel. All modern conveniences will be added, including plumbing for water works, electric lights, baths, toilet rooms, etc. Two large parlors and about fifty bed-rooms will be arranged along the hallway on the second floor, while the dining room, sample room, office and lobby will be on the first floor. The kitchen will be built of brick on the south end of the main building, and on the west of that will be the laundry and other buildings.

It is the intention of Messrs. Bayless and Bryan to have the building complete by the first of next January. All in all, this building will be one of the finest in the Indian Territory.


As published in The Daily Messenger. (Claremore, Indian Terr.), Vol. 2, No. 253, Ed. 1 Wednesday, September 18, 1901, Newspaper, September 18, 1901; 

Many Visitors came from afar to witness the official opening of Hotel Sequoyah Thursday evening. The event was one of the biggest events in the history of the town for it marks the beginning of a new era. From the time the Cassville18 piece band came in on the Frisco things were humming in and around the big hotel. 

After meeting the three o’clock train from the west which brought in a score of visitors from the towns down the road, the boys gave an hours concert in the lobby, which from that time on until far into the small hours of the night resembled the Midland or Planters.

A few minutes after 9, the Pocahontas Club marched down the grand stairway and took positions on the last flight. From the landing just above, J.F. McClelllan, a member of the club, made the presentation speech and delivered the painting of Sequoyah to G.D. Davis, who on behalf of J.M. Bayless, accepted it with a few well-chosen words of thanks.   J.M. LaHay followed with an address of welcome to our visitors, and then the dining hall and ballroom were opened and the big features of the program commenced. 

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