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The 1976 Introduction to the Gridiron Show – Charlie Allton

Telling the history of Claremore…one story at a time.


By Charlie Allton
The 1976 Introduction to the Gridiron Show
Charlie Alton Claremore Oklahoma History
Well, Folks, it’s been about a year
Since most of us were gathered here.
And from all the old times to those that are new
We want you to know that we welcome you.
Whatever your motive for coming
We know if you stay here a year
You’ll be in the best town in the country,
We know you’ll like it here.
We had some spats and quarrels and some pretty
Warm politics,
But taking and giving a little,
We had a very good ’76.
We had a hot Presidential election all right,
But when they finally hung up the sword,
The winner was Peanuts Carter,
The loser was Ski jumping Ford.
Some of us thought this was a blessed event,
Some others said it was a sin,
But we’re gonna eat, live, die and pay more taxes,
Regardless of which party gets in.
Now, I’ve lived here for 80 years,
Thru the fairest and foulest of weather.
I guess you could say that the little old town
And I grew up together.
Now the town is a modern city,
On the verge of a brighter day,
And me; well I’m just an old has-been,
Bent and wrinkled and gray.
The town first started to make its growth,
Almost in the shape of a T.
From the Frisco depot north and south,
And East to the K and A. V.
The main traveled road (as they all did then)
Followed the railroad track,
And the world went by in covered wagons,
From Halifax and back.
When I was a kid they’d pass our place,
Fifteen or twenty a day,
Going north, south, east, west,
And every other way.
The merchandise stores were mostly on main
Between the two railroad tracks,
There were just a few brick buildings,
The rest were wooden shacks.
We laid brick pavement on main street,
About nineteen hundred and ten,
And that was a sign of progress,
And time for growth to begin.

Lisiting of Introductions for Claremore Gridiron 1970-1977

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